Do You Fear the Volcano Effect?

Do You Fear the Volcano Effect? So many of my clients struggle with speaking up when they need to.  And time and time again it comes down to staying quiet out of fear. People in their lives have been loud and angry.  Or, they have had periodic bouts of angry spewing themselves.  The resulting fear […]

Tell Them What You Want! It Really Could Be That Simple.

Tell Them What You Want! It Really Could Be That Simple. Some of the solutions I help clients through could really be very simple; however, we have this tendency to get in our own way sometimes.  Recently I spent yet another session working with a new client who is frustrated with his team.  “They won’t […]

You are the Worst!

You are the Worst! Did this title make you feel angry or defensive? How dare I? I wonder, though, how often are you telling yourself this very thing? Maybe not in those exact words but do any of these sound familiar? You can’t get anything right! You are so stupid! You are ugly! Your butt is […]

What Do You Do in the Gap?

What Do You Do in the Gap? In every relationship, including those at work, we have expectations. We expect others to act a certain way, respond to situations the way we’d like, care about the same things we care about. If you are someone who sets the bar high for yourself, chances are you also […]

Team Norms: What are Yours?

Team Norms: What are Yours? A norm is an often unstated rule that governs how people act in a group. New members of a team usually learn the norms through observation or trial and error. These norms can work for your business or against it. Left to their own devices, teams can become toxic, aka […]

Leadership Lessons from a Climbing Adventure – Part 5 in a Series

Leadership Lessons from a Climbing Adventure – Part 5 in a Series I went rock climbing recently. It was a ball! I used to make time for it consistently and hope to make it more of a priority again. It’s always fun to revisit an activity like that after years. You find that you have […]

Leadership Lessons from a Climbing Adventure – Part 4 in a Series

Leadership Lessons from a Climbing Adventure – Part 4 in a Series I went rock climbing recently. It was a ball! I used to make time for it consistently and hope to make it more of a priority again. It’s always fun to revisit an activity like that after years. You find that you have […]

Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!!

Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!! I went rock climbing recently.  It was a ball!  I used to make time for it consistently and hope to make it more of a priority again. It’s always fun to revisit an activity like that after years.  You find that you have […]

A Life of Punctuation Marks

A Life of Punctuation Marks Even though I am a Leadership Coach, I often find myself helping clients with their personal relationships. As I always say, “You are who you are in your life and in your work.” The same struggles with communication and relationships usually exist in both areas and my client is the […]

20 Ways to Say No

20 Ways to Say No Saying no is tough sometimes. But it’s a necessary skill if you want to live a life with any kind of balance. Demands on our time, money and other resources can take all that we have if we allow them. And failing to use this important word leads to resentments […]