Is There Lettuce in My Teeth?

Is There Lettuce in My Teeth? Recently, while home alone, I passed a mirror and realized that I had something in my teeth. Thankfully I caught it before I walked out the door! But, because I seem wired for turning every life experience into a teaching moment, it got me thinking; how many of the […]

Are You Bored?

Are You Bored? Recently, I was at an event and overheard someone talking about how bored they’ve been over the last few months. It really made me stop and think. I absolutely can not remember a time when I have felt bored. I’ve definitely been unproductive, lazy, tired, procrastinating, overwhelmed and many other things that […]

What Must You Let Go?

What Must You Let Go? As I wrote in a recent article, we create expectations for our lives, of others, of events, that often do not match our actual experiences. It is human nature. But the result is that we spend most of our time in the gap. Sometimes, the gap is so wide it […]

Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!!

Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!! I went rock climbing recently.  It was a ball!  I used to make time for it consistently and hope to make it more of a priority again. It’s always fun to revisit an activity like that after years.  You find that you have […]

A Life of Punctuation Marks

A Life of Punctuation Marks Even though I am a Leadership Coach, I often find myself helping clients with their personal relationships. As I always say, “You are who you are in your life and in your work.” The same struggles with communication and relationships usually exist in both areas and my client is the […]

#4 Key to Success – Balance!

#4 Key to Success – Balance! If one area of your life takes over all others you will not live the life of joy that you were meant to live. I believe that success requires us to put time and energy into all of the important areas of our lives.

#3 Key to Success – Have the Right Mindset!

#3 Key to Success – Have the Right Mindset! The key to feeling successful is to have the right mindset. Celebrate your achievements and continue to drive forward towards your ultimate goals. You must find a blend between the two.

Tips for Including the Family During the Holiday Season

Tips for Including the Family During the Holiday Season The holiday season is a great time to incorporate family activities into the workplace and working towards that “family friendly” environment.  Allowing employees to bring children and spouses in to share time together will build employee morale and can help create a more bonded workforce.  It […]

Life Sure is Funny Sometimes!

Life Sure is Funny Sometimes! Life sure is funny sometimes! Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been putting a lot of thought into the Keys to Success for an interview. You can see the video I did on the subject on my blog here:   4 Keys to Success  (And, yes, the play button is […]