You are the Worst!

You are the Worst! Did this title make you feel angry or defensive? How dare I? I wonder, though, how often are you telling yourself this very thing? Maybe not in those exact words but do any of these sound familiar? You can’t get anything right! You are so stupid! You are ugly! Your butt is […]

Adjust Your Mindset for Great Correction

You are the Worst! So many of my clients resist having correction conversations with their team members. And, yes, that’s what I like to call them. Whether you engage in the communication with the aid of a discipline form, a performance improvement plan or have them without documenting anything at all, ultimately, your goal is […]

How Do I Stop the Drama without Engaging in it Myself??

How Do I Stop the Drama without Engaging in it Myself?? I recently conducted a webinar for a large group and had this question come up.  It’s one I hear quite often, actually.  I can answer it simply but realize that execution can be a bit more difficult.  The results are well worth it though, […]

No More Anger Management!!

No More Anger Management!! So often I encounter teams of leaders who feel they need no assistance with conflict resolution when it is so apparent that they do. “We are not angry. We do not fight. Everything is fine!” The fact that they are not yelling at each other is not the litmus test that […]

Is There Lettuce in My Teeth?

Is There Lettuce in My Teeth? Recently, while home alone, I passed a mirror and realized that I had something in my teeth. Thankfully I caught it before I walked out the door! But, because I seem wired for turning every life experience into a teaching moment, it got me thinking; how many of the […]

Tackle the 4 D’s of Discipline Avoidance

Tackle the 4 D’s of Discipline Avoidance Creating the dynamic team of your dreams requires great communication both of expectations and of issues.  Most employees will respond well to correction.  They will appreciate the feedback, take it to heart and make the required changes. Some employees, however, have no desire to change and will do […]

Practicing Patience in an Instant Gratification World

Practicing Patience in an Instant Gratification World I will never forget the day one of my clients exclaimed with utter frustration, “But I’ve already been patient!!”  We both looked at each other for the split second that it took for the irony of the comment to kick in and then burst into laughter. How often […]

Does Your Team Even Like Puzzles?

Does Your Team Even Like Puzzles? Recently I was working with a client and we got talking about puzzles, believe it or not!  We were discussing how he likes to work.  He said he likes to have a clear endpoint for a project but the opportunity to be creative in how he gets there.  He […]

I Don’t Know…Or Do You Know?

I Don’t Know…Or Do You Know? “I don’t know.” It’s a phrase we hear a lot and probably say often. It rolls off the tongue with ease when it’s something simple. “Where are my socks?” I don’t know. “What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?” I don’t know “What was the score?” I […]

Are You Bored?

Are You Bored? Recently, I was at an event and overheard someone talking about how bored they’ve been over the last few months. It really made me stop and think. I absolutely can not remember a time when I have felt bored. I’ve definitely been unproductive, lazy, tired, procrastinating, overwhelmed and many other things that […]