Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!!

Remove Your Junk and Be Who You Were Meant to Be!! I went rock climbing recently.  It was a ball!  I used to make time for it consistently and hope to make it more of a priority again. It’s always fun to revisit an activity like that after years.  You find that you have […]

#4 Key to Success – Balance!

#4 Key to Success – Balance! If one area of your life takes over all others you will not live the life of joy that you were meant to live. I believe that success requires us to put time and energy into all of the important areas of our lives.

#2 Key to Success – Tenacity

#2 Key to Success – Tenacity To achieve success you must be tenacious. You will hit challenges and roadblocks in your pursuit of success. Tenacity will get you over, around and through!

20 Ways to Say No

20 Ways to Say No Saying no is tough sometimes. But it’s a necessary skill if you want to live a life with any kind of balance. Demands on our time, money and other resources can take all that we have if we allow them. And failing to use this important word leads to resentments […]

The Priorities Game

The Priorities Game Each one of us is a valuable resource and we all have gifts we are meant to use in service to others. There are demands on our time constantly. How do we pick and choose where we will use our time and energy? It’s tough! The Priorities Game can help. I use […]

Procrastination – The Symptom not the Cause

Procrastination – The Symptom not the Cause Procrastination is one of those buzz phrases that people use often, sometimes with a negative connotation, other times with a shrug and a laugh like it’s just the way it is and they are powerless to change it. Procrastination, itself, is never the issue though. It’s just the […]

No Time……..Really??

No Time……..Really?? I love to pay attention to the language I use and also the words my clients choose. Being aware of our own language provides a window into where we may have blind spots, fears or beliefs standing in our way. I often catch my clients using the phrase, “I just don’t have time.”   It’s […]

Personal Boundaries: The Key to Creating Life Your Way

Personal Boundaries: The Key to Creating Life Your Way When you think of the word boundary, what images does it conjure up; A fence around a pasture, a concrete barrier between two lanes of highway, how about the Berlin Wall?  These are all physical boundaries.  What about boundaries in your life?  Saying no without guilt, […]