Are you Monitoring Your Progress?

Are you Monitoring Your Progress? I talk a lot about mission. You must have a mission. Make sure your team is fired up about your mission. But missions can be huge! How do you know that you are moving towards your mission? What progress should you make each week; each month; each year? Whether you […]

What is Passion and Why is it so Important?

What is Passion and Why is it so Important? I believe that we are all meant to live lives filled with joy and fulfillment; that we have gifts to be used in the service of others.  Finding how to use those gifts and live a life of passion is our innate pursuit. When you are […]

No Mission? You’ve Got Drama!

No Mission? You’ve Got Drama! Yes, it’s true! I have been preaching it to my clients for years now. You must have a clear mission for your business. Why? Of course there are the business reasons. Your mission will provide you with a road map and will help you make quicker yes or no decisions […]