What Must You Let Go?

What Must You Let Go? As I wrote in a recent article, we create expectations for our lives, of others, of events, that often do not match our actual experiences. It is human nature. But the result is that we spend most of our time in the gap. Sometimes, the gap is so wide it […]

A New Perspective May be Closer than You Think

A New Perspective May be Closer than You Think This morning I was in my office early and was the first to arrive. I turned on just a few lights in adjacent hallways and suddenly found myself maneuvering down a dark path towards the back office, the light switch inconveniently located several feet behind. Reaching […]

#3 Key to Success – Have the Right Mindset!

#3 Key to Success – Have the Right Mindset! The key to feeling successful is to have the right mindset. Celebrate your achievements and continue to drive forward towards your ultimate goals. You must find a blend between the two. https://youtu.be/KOwAEK6R8io

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking Your life is a series of stories and you are the author. Read the sentence again.  Did you realize this?  Does it scare you or make you feel powerful? If you think about it, it is a very cool thing!  And it goes way beyond the glass half empty ~ […]